Wednesday 3 March 2010

Gevlon's Gankers; Why we will succeed

Over on the The Greedy Goblin many people are claiming his project will fail, and that his aims, such as starving the Horde of resources, are unreasonable.
However, for one simple reason I believe that his project will be a success. He is WoW's version of a celebrity. There is a large number of people who know of him, and likely some of these play on Maghteridon EU (at least one judging by the comments section)
Pretty soon most people on Maghteridon EU will know about him because what he is doing will make their server interesting and famous again. However this is different from his "Undergeared" project. People will be going toe to toe with Gevlon and people he has chosen to fight the Horde.
I believe that this will stop being about showing that the M&S are useless in all the many manners of ways that we are accustomed to (yes, I know essentially that is tautology, but I was too lazy to make it clearer)
What it will become is a war with Gevlon. People who disagree with his ideals know where he'll be pvp-ing and come and attack him in person. People who agree will be fighting for him.
The end result of this will be an exponential revival of the server, due to the increase in interest. This is one of Gevlon's main aims.
A prolific declaration of war has been announced. A call to arms if you will. Come now and fight for/against your  favourite/most hated goblin.

Side note;
It must be quite awesome to be in Gevlon's shoes right now. He essentially controls a whole faction of a server, and this control will only grow (as he gets us to revive the economy, start fighting back against the ganking etc.)

Fenryr (and for the time being; Serys)


  1. Welcomes ta WoW blogging, Fen.

    Hates ta burst yer bubble, but in the Azeroth Gevlon is at best a B-list celebrity, mebbe C-list. A few thousand subscribers is respectable, but hardly Azeroth-shattering. And a lotta his readers is like me, folks what read it fer laughs, 'cause we see what a fool he is.

    Let's look at some numbers. Undergeared. Fer nearly two months, raids hadda be canceled because not enough folks showed up. Last two weeks he's got exactly ten peeps (after waiting a while). Ten peeps, one day a week, fer a few hours of PvE, in a guild what was supposed ta be runnin' try-outs in 25-mans fer ta select the best in each class. But now he sez he's gonna get 100-200 pvpers ta hang around Northrend nearly all day, nearly every day, until an entire server gives up and goes home? Yeah, pull the other one. Is got bells on.

  2. I don't care if you disagree with me. As my first real commenter you are now my best e-friend.
    Though I must say I do disagree with your ranking of Gevlon as a celebrity. He definitely has made an impact on the blog reading wow community this year. His posts get linked and discussed more than any other blogger I have seen.

    And with regards to the "Undergeared". That was unlikely to succeed as people had to, to use the colloquial phrase, "gimp" themselves. No-one likes to make themselves less powerful than they could be. However, this is a straight up challenge. In fact the odds are going to be in our favour as we will be organised and in groups.

    This may not be a satisfactory response. If so, my only excuse is that I am drunk as I write this.

  3. "As my first real commenter you are now my best e-friend."

    *group hugs*

    I'm very curious to see how this project goes, I think it'd be awesome if you do revitalise alliance on the server, however it happens.
